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  • scurta — SCURTÁ, scurtez, vb. I. 1. tranz. A micşora lungimea sau înălţimea unui obiect, a reduce din lungime sau din înălţime, a face mai scurt. ♢ expr. A scurta cuiva ghearele = a pune pe cineva în imposibilitate de a (mai) face rău. A scurta cuiva… …   Dicționar Român

  • Scurta — may refer to several villages in Romania:* Scurta, a village in Orbeni Commune, Bacău County * Scurta, a village in Pogăceaua Commune, Mureş County …   Wikipedia

  • Scurta — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in Rumänien: Scurta (Bacău), Dorf im Kreis Bacău Scurta (Mureș), Dorf im Kreis Mureș Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • scurtă — SCURT, Ă, scurţi, te, adj. adv., s.f. I. adj. 1. (Despre obiecte) De lungime redusă. ♦ (Despre distanţe, drumuri) Care se parcurge în puţin timp (având o lungime redusă). ♦ (Substantivat, f. pl.) Unde scurte. ♦ expr. A lua (sau a ţine pe cineva)… …   Dicționar Român

  • Scurta — Original name in latin Scurta Name in other language State code RO Continent/City Europe/Bucharest longitude 46.26133 latitude 27.01548 altitude 202 Population 1958 Date 2013 04 21 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Scurta River — Geobox River name = Scurta River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 …   Wikipedia

  • Valea Scurtă River (Olt) — Geobox River name = Valea Scurtă native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 …   Wikipedia

  • Valea Scurtă River (Braşov) — Geobox River name = Valea Scurtă River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Cities country = Romania country1 = state =… …   Wikipedia

  • Valea Scurtă River (Criş) — Geobox River name =Valea Scurtă River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state =… …   Wikipedia

  • Gropata Scurtă River — Geobox River name = Gropata Scurtă River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state =… …   Wikipedia

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