- Res'cià
- raggrinzito, stazzonato
Mini Vocabolario milanese italiano . 2007.
Mini Vocabolario milanese italiano . 2007.
CIA activities in Iraq — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia U.S. support of various Iraqi regimes was predicated upon the notion that Iraq was a key buffer state in geopolitical relations with the Soviet Union. A US… … Wikipedia
CIA leak scandal timeline — Note: This subject is also referred to as: CIA leak case timeline , Plamegate scandal timeline , and Plame affair timeline . The CIA leak scandal timeline (also known as the CIA leak case timeline, the Plamegate scandal timeline, and the Plame… … Wikipedia
CIA transnational anti-crime and anti-drug activities — This article deals with activities of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency related to transnational crime, including the illicit drug trade.Two offices of the CIA Directorate of Intelligence have analytical responsibilities in this area. The… … Wikipedia
CIA transnational human rights actions — This article deals with those activities of the Central Intelligence Agency that preserve or violate human rights. General principlesIn 2003, Assistant Secretary of state for Human Rights Patricia Derian when she wrote, Through these [U.S.… … Wikipedia
CIA transnational activities in counterproliferation — This article deals with activities of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, specifically dealing with arms control, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and weapons proliferation. It attempts to look at the process of tasking and analyzing, rather… … Wikipedia
cia — aca·cia; al·o·pe·cia; ap·pre·cia·ble; ap·pre·cia·bly; ap·pre·cia·tive; ar·ba·cia; ar·ra·ca·cia; as·so·cia·bil·i·ty; as·so·cia·ble; as·so·cia·tive; as·so·cia·to·ry; au·di·en·cia; brec·cia; bru·cia; cac·cia; cac·cia·to·re; co·man·dan·cia;… … English syllables
CIA activities in Russia and Europe — Main article: Central Intelligence Agency This article deals with the activities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in Russia and Europe. Contents 1 European regional 1.1 Radio Free Europe (gray psychological operations) … Wikipedia
res — ac·ri·do·the·res; ad·u·la·res·cence; an·ti·res·o·nance; api·ko·res; ar·bo·res·cence; ar·bo·res·cent; ar·res·ta·tion; ar·res·tive; ba·res·ma; be·res·o·vite; cal·o·res·cence; car·dio·res·pi·ra·to·ry; cath·o·do·flu·o·res·cence; clam·a·to·res;… … English syllables
CIA activities in Hungary — Main article: CIA activities in Russia and Europe Contents 1 Gray psychological operations 1.1 Hungary 1956 1.1.1 Clandestine intelligence collection … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Honduras — Main article: CIA activities in the Americas Contents 1 Honduras 1984 1.1 Honduras 1987 1.2 Honduras 1995 2 References … Wikipedia