- Nisba
- niente da fare
Mini Vocabolario milanese italiano . 2007.
Mini Vocabolario milanese italiano . 2007.
nisba — avv. [forse dal ted. nichts niente ], pop., region. [usato interiettivamente per negare in modo deciso: pensavo di trovarlo a casa e invece n. ] ▶◀ niente (affatto), no, nulla, per niente, tutt altro … Enciclopedia Italiana
Nisba — Struktur der arabischen Namen Klassische arabische Namen bestehen üblicherweise aus mehreren Teilen: Der ism (اسم) ist der persönliche Name und wird aus einem recht kleinen Repertoire gängiger Namen gewählt (beispielsweise Muhammad, Ahmad,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nisba — The Arabic word nisba (نسبة; also transcribed as nisbah or nisbat) may refer to: Nisba, a suffix used to form adjectives, or the adjective resulting from this formation Nisbat (onomastics), a nisbat used as an element in an Arabic name This… … Wikipedia
nisba — 1nì·sba avv. CO gerg., niente, nulla: «Hai concluso qcs.?» «N.!»; gli ho fatto una domanda e lui nisba: non mi ha risposto ! {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1961. ETIMO: forse alteraz. gerg. del ted. nichts niente . 2ni·sba s.f.inv. ES ar.… … Dizionario italiano
nisba — avv. (sett.) nulla, niente … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Nisbat (onomastics) — Adding a nisbat (Arabic: نسبة nisbah relation ) is the practice of adding a specifier as part of an Arabic name, indicating the person s place of origin, tribal affiliation or ancestry. The practice has been adopted in Iranian names, where the… … Wikipedia
Nesbat (Arabic) — Adding a nesbat ( ar. نسبة nisbah relation ) is the practice of adding a word at the end of a person s name as a specifier [http://articles.syl.com/thenamesarabicacceptandreject.html] .Original UseNisba in Arabic means to relate someone or… … Wikipedia
Arabic language — Arabic redirects here. For other uses, see Arabic (disambiguation). For the literary standard, see Modern Standard Arabic. For vernaculars, see varieties of Arabic. For others, see Arabic languages. Arabic العربية/عربي/عربى al ʿarabiyyah/ʿarabī … Wikipedia
Al-Farabi — Muslim scholar Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Fārābī[1] Title The Second Teacher[2] … Wikipedia
Arabic grammar — Arabic is a Semitic language. See Arabic language for more information on the language in general. This article describes the grammar of Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. History The identity of the oldest Arabic grammarian is disputed … Wikipedia